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    Cellular Biology

    Bruker presents Vutara™ VXL tbest-in-class super-resolution magnifying lens and spatial science investigation abilities

    Vutara VXL serves as a biological microscopy workstation for research on DNA, RNA and proteins, from macromolecular complexes and super-structures, to chromatin structure and chromosomal substructures, to studying functional connections in genomes and in various subcellular organelles. This novel system supports innovative spatial biology research in extracellular matrix structures, extracellular vesicles (EV), virology, neuroscience, and

    New device empowers study of SARS-CoV-2 mutant range by ultrasequencing

    SARS-CoV-2 genome is three times larger than flu genome. Both consist of NRA molecules which mutate when replicate. It is essential to know its mutant spectrum, in other words, its”fingerprints”, to achieve an appropriate treatment that reduces its infectivity -the capacity of pathogens to invade organisms and cause infections-, since its composition of variables could

    Study assesses stem cells’ capacity to forestall significant reason for death in preterm newborn

    A phase 2 clinical trial whose results were published today in STEM CELLS Translational Medicine might point to a way to conquer bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD), a significant cause of death in preterm infants. The study, conducted by researchers at Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University and Asan Medical Center Children’s Hospital in Seoul, evaluates the efficacy