Sloan Kettering Institute specialists offer news answer to 100-year-old malignancy secret Kumar Jeetendra | January 23, 2021 The year 2021 marks the 100th anniversary of a basic discovery that is taught in every biochemistry textbook. In 1921, German doctor Otto Warburg observed that cancer cells harvest energy from sugar sugar in a strangely inefficient manner: instead of”burn” it using cancer cells do what yeast do — they ferment it. This oxygen-independent process …
Study recognizes specific immune cells that shape inhibitory neurons to control mind wiring Kumar Jeetendra | July 7, 2021 Every second our brains are exposed to a variety of signals, from the barking of a puppy to raindrops hitting the windows, and everything in between. Most of the time we ignore insignificant cues like the buzzing of a fly or the gentle rustle of leaves in a tree. We pay attention to the more …