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    Cell Membrane

    Metabolic illnesses change ACE2 articulation and increment COVID-19 seriousness

    As the COVID-19 pandemic keeps on causing sickness and take lives over the world, plainly the infection influences distinctive populace fragments divergently. Another examination distributed on the preprint server medRxiv* in June 2020 reports that one instrument for this variable seriousness is the differential articulation of the ACE2 receptor in different metabolic conditions, along these

    New UCLA-formed gadget moves mitochondria into at least 100,000 or more beneficiary cells

    Scientists from the UCLA Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center have developed a simple, high-throughput way of transferring isolated mitochondria and their associated mitochondrial DNA into mammalian cells. This approach enables researchers to tailor a key genetic component of cells, to study and potentially treat debilitating diseases such as cancer, diabetes and metabolic disorders. A study, published

    A solitary archaeal compound can create a spectacular scope of regular and non-common cardiolipins

    Cells of all life forms are surrounded by a membrane that’s made of phospholipids. One of them are the cardiolipins, which form another class due to their distinctive structure. When studying the enzyme that’s responsible for generating cardiolipins in archaea (single-cell organisms that constitute a separate domain of life), biochemists at the University of Groningen

    Scientists distinguish new compound that may forestall heart arrhythmia risk from basic drugs

    Dozens of commonly used drugs, including antibiotics, antinausea and anticancer medications, have a potential side effect of lengthening the electrical event that causes regeneration, creating an irregular heartbeat, or cardiac arrhythmia called acquired Long QT syndrome. While safe in their current dosages, some of these drugs might have a more therapeutic benefit at higher doses,

    Scientists test a library of lipid-based compounds to empower safe RNA drug delivery to Lungs

    Japan’s Hokkaido University researchers created and tested a collection of lipid-based compounds in order to deliver RNA drugs safely and effectively to the lungs. The findings were published in Materials Horizons. The COVID-19 pandemic response made it all more familiar with RNA vaccines. These vaccines carry genetic code into the cells, which triggers the production

    The Role of Lipids in Maintaining Cell Membrane Integrity

    Lipids require the cell membrane to be intact. The plasma membrane or cell membrane is primarily composed of lipids which are in a double layer. All these include cholesterol, glycolipids and phospholipids thereby forming a double-layered lipid bilayer. Consequently: Lipid bilayer formation: The most abundant lipids that make up cell membranes are phospholipids which have