Oregon scientists uncover sub-atomic instruments that produce DNA harm in sperm Kumar Jeetendra | October 25, 2020 University of Oregon biologists have used the model organism Caenorhabditis elegans to identify molecular mechanisms that produce DNA damage in sperm and contribute to male infertility following exposure to heat. In humans, the optimal temperature for sperm production is just below body temperature, in a range of approximately 90-95 degrees F. Human studies have found …
Researchers find out protein that adjusts gene interest to healthy nutrient stages in roundworms Kumar Jeetendra | December 23, 2020 Changing a fertilized egg into a fully functional adult is a complicated endeavor. Cells must split, move, and mature at specific times. Developmental genes control that process, turning on and off at a choreographed way. However, the environment affects development. They discovered a master switch developing worms use to pause growth when nutrients are scarce. …
Sulforaphane draws out life expectancy and healthspan of C. elegans through insulin/IGF-1 flagging Kumar Jeetendra | February 4, 2021 Aging-US released”Sulforaphane boosts C. elegans longevity and healthspan through DAF- 16/DAF-2 insulin/IGF-1 signaling” which reported that the broccoli-derived isothiocyanate sulforaphane inhibits inflammation, oxidative stress and cancer, but its impact on healthspan and longevity are unclear. The writers used the C. elegans nematode version and fed the wildtype and 9 mutant strains ±sulforaphane. Sulforaphane increased the …