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    New polygenic danger score to help foresee the chances of medications causing liver harm

    The ancient Romans studied the livers of sacrificial animals to read omens and create prophesies. Researchers at Tokyo Medical and Dental University (TMDU) and Takeda-CiRA program alongside a world-wide group of collaborators, have devised a polygenic risk score (PRS) based on liver genomics that can predict the probability of medications causing liver damage. Adding new

    Recently recognized supplement helps the gut review earlier diseases and execute attacking bacteria

    Scientists studying the body’s natural defenses against bacterial disease have identified a nutritional supplement –taurine–that helps the gut recall prior infections and kill invading bacteria, such as Klebsiella pneumoniae (Kpn). The finding, published in the journal Cell by scientists from five institutes of the National Institutes of Health, could help efforts seeking alternatives to antibiotics.

    Novel technique gives quicker and more exact diagnostics in histopathology

    Histology is the study of biological cells at a microscopic level. Also called microscopic anatomy, histology is widely used to offer identification of cancer and other diseases. For instance, tissue samples obtained during surgery might help to ascertain whether additional surgical action is needed, and additional surgery may be avoided if a diagnosis can be