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    Basic dietary enhancement enhances schizophrenic traits in mice

    After additional experiments, including visualizing the fluorescently stained dancing advantage of brain cells, researchers concluded that the nutritional supplement likely protects proteins which build neurons’ mobile skeletons. The supplement betaine was initially isolated from sugar beets and is often associated with sweetness or umami flavor. Healthy levels of betaine come from both outside food sources

    Novel technique gives quicker and more exact diagnostics in histopathology

    Histology is the study of biological cells at a microscopic level. Also called microscopic anatomy, histology is widely used to offer identification of cancer and other diseases. For instance, tissue samples obtained during surgery might help to ascertain whether additional surgical action is needed, and additional surgery may be avoided if a diagnosis can be

    Castration of male sheep eases back DNA maturing

    We all know that women live longer lives than men. If we told you that there were one way to prolong your life, would you listen? Researchers from University of Otago and collaborators from the United States published a study in ELife today. It showed that castration of male sheep slows down DNA’s aging and