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    Sulforaphane draws out life expectancy and healthspan of C. elegans through insulin/IGF-1 flagging

    Aging-US released”Sulforaphane boosts C. elegans longevity and healthspan through DAF- 16/DAF-2 insulin/IGF-1 signaling” which reported that the broccoli-derived isothiocyanate sulforaphane inhibits inflammation, oxidative stress and cancer, but its impact on healthspan and longevity are unclear. The writers used the C. elegans nematode version and fed the wildtype and 9 mutant strains ±sulforaphane. Sulforaphane increased the

    Imbalanced bacterial community in the gums connected to Alzheimer’s infection biomarker

    Older adults with more harmful than healthy bacteria in their gums are more likely to have evidence for amyloid beta–a key biomarker for Alzheimer’s disease–in their cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), according to new research from NYU College of Dentistry and Weill Cornell Medicine. However, this imbalance in oral bacteria was not associated with another Alzheimer’s biomarker

    Castration of male sheep eases back DNA maturing

    We all know that women live longer lives than men. If we told you that there were one way to prolong your life, would you listen? Researchers from University of Otago and collaborators from the United States published a study in ELife today. It showed that castration of male sheep slows down DNA’s aging and

    Research introduces novel methodology with invert brain aging by means of gut microbes

    APC Microbiome Ireland (APC), University College Cork (UCC), published today in the leading international scientific magazine Nature Aging a new approach to reverse aging-related brain deterioration and cognitive function via microbes in their gut. One of the major global challenges as our population ages is how to preserve healthy brain function. This groundbreaking research has

    Dietary components hold guarantee for working on the health and wellbeing of grown-ups

    Research suggests that nutritional supplements that target specific mechanisms that are associated with age-associated cellular decay (AACD), have the potential to improve health and well-being for adults. “Cellular Nutrition and Its Influence on Age-Associated Cellular Decline,” the latest issue of The Gerontological Society of America’s What’s Hot newsletter with accompanying infographic, provides an overview of